Geoethics and IAGETH in the AGMM (Maputo)


AGMMThe Geological Mining Association of Mozambique (AGMM) is commemorating since March 2013 its 10 years of existence by organizing several events. In March/2014 it is planned to end with the approval of the Deontological and Professional Ethics Code of Geociencies in Mozambique.

In this framework, Prof. Jesús Martínez-Frías (President, IAGETH) will take part in different acts in order to foster and promote the internationalization and cooperation in various fields of Geosciences.

He also will give an invited talk entitled:

Geoeducation and Geoethics in Earth and Planetary Sciences: the exploration of Mars

Place: Hotel VIP (Maputo)

Date: 18 March 2014 (15:30 h)

The talk was announced in the “Jornal Noticias” and will be one of the activities developed in the framework of the Day for Earth Sciences in Africa and Middle East (IAGETH is one of the partners). Further information can be found here.



  1. It has been a pleasure having our President, Prof. Jesus Martinez-Frias, amongst us. The visit is still on its way, but the good results are already there.
    We will tell you about in the near future.
    Today we will be discussing the Deontologic and Ethical Code of AGMM (Geological Mining Association of Mozambique).
    Regards to all
    Lopo Vasconcelos

  2. We also had a good discussion about plagiarism at the Geology Dept of the Eduardo Mondlane University, with the 3rd and 4th level students of Geology. Lots of questions, arguments, reasoning. Very good.
    The event was organized by a colleague of the Department, Elidio Massuanganhe.
    A very good event!

  3. Thank you, Lopo! It was my pleasure!
    My sincere acknowledgement and congratulations to you for your excellent role, promoting geoethics in Mozambique and in Africa also thanks to the AGMM (partner of IAGETH) for his kind invitation!

  4. Dear All,
    The Geological Mining Association of Mozambique (AGMM), partner of IAGETH, during its General Assembly held in Maputo, Capital of Mozambique, on the 20th March 2014, has discussed and approved by unanimity the Deontological and Ethical Code for the Mozambican Geoscientist, being thus the 1st African Country to include Geoethics in its Deontological Code. This is historical for us and shows the commitment of Mozambican Geoscientists towards Geoethics.
    The discussion was witnessed by IAGETH President, Prof. Jesús Martínez-Frías, who was also invited to say some words to the audience.
    According to the final article of the Code, it will be published and divulged in the national press, for a wider outreach.
    As Vice-President of IAGETH for Africa, I want to thank our President for having find time to come to Maputo and give us all the support needed to accomplish this fact.
    We will have now a great job in front of us in Mozambique to implement this code

    • Dear Lopo,
      Again, My sincere acknowledgement for your kindness during my visit and my appreciatuion for your extraordinary work promoting Geoethics in Africa. Hopefully, this first step given in Mozambique thanks to you and the AGMM (partner of IAGETH) –also in the framework of the MoU between the IAGETH and the GSAf– could be a potential model to be followed by other African countries regarding Geoethics and Deontological and Ethical issues. Best regards!


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