Prof. Aberra Mogessie (Member of the IAGETH Senior Advisory Board) is elected President of the Austrian Mineralogical Society


A_Mogessie_V3Prof. Aberra Mogessie (Member of the IAGETH Senior Advisory Board -ISAB) is elected President of the Austrian Mineralogical Society by the members at a General Assembly which took place at the University of Vienna on 20 January 2014.

Prof. Aberra Mogessie has served a total of nine years as a member of the executive board and Vice President(3 years) before his election as President of the society.

The Austrian Mineralogical Society was established in 1901 and is one of the oldest mineralogical societies world-wide. Its first President was Prof. G. Tschermak followed by Prof. F. Becke. It is a great honor to be elected as President of such a traditional society which has been led by prominent scientists.


  1. My congratulations to Prof. Aberra Mogessie, our partner from the Geological Society of Africa. I know him well when I belong the the GSAf council, and he is a very enthusiastic person. I believe he will bring a lot to the AMS.
    All the best Aberra!


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