IAGETH Senior Advisory Board (ISAB)
The IAGETH EC and Council agreed to establish a Senior Advisory Board. The IAGETH Senior Advisory Board (ISAB) is comprised of a prestigious group of internationally recognized experts, from different regions and geoscientific disciplines. Although ISAB members don’t have specific functional tasks in the working of the IAGETH, they act as a “Think Tank” offering observations, guidance and advice and providing unique perspectives and insights to help on some issues.
Prof. Antonio Alberti
IAGETH National Chapter, ItalyCoordinator, ISAB
Prof. Daniella Tilbury
President of the Copernicus Alliance of UniversitiesMarie Curie International Fellow. University of Glocestershire, UK.
Prof. José Luis González
President, Spanish Commission on GeoethicsBoard Member (Natural Hazards), ICOG
Dr. David Grinspoon
Senior Scientist, Planetary Science InstituteVisiting Scholar in Astrobiology, United States Library of Congress. Adjunct Professor of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences, University of Colorado
Dr. Mary Marlino
Director, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Library, Boulder, Colorado (USA)Director, Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE). Former Director, Educational Technology at the United States Air Force Academy.
Prof. Aberra Mogessie
President, Geological Society of Africa.President, Austrian Mineralogical Society. Board Member, Earth Science Matters Foundation (ESM).
Dr. Satoshi Murao
Senior Research Scientist, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, JapanVisiting Professor at Ulaanbaatar Science University.
Prof. Jorge Rabassa
Investigador Superior, CADIC, CONICETMember of the Academy of Sciences of Argentina. Ex-Rector, Universidad Nacional del Comahue.
Prof. Alberto Riccardi
IUGS Past PresidentSenior Researcher, Argentine National Research Council. Full Professor and Head of the Invertebrate Palaeontology Division, National University of La Plata.
Prof. Zekâi Sen
Faculty member,Technical University of IstanbulChair, Turkish Water Foundation
Prof. Iain Stewart
Professor of Geosciences Communication, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Plymouth University, UKScientific Board Member, UNESCO’s IGCP. Chair, ‘Hazards’ theme. Steering Committee Member, IUGS-Commission on Geoscience for Environmental Management Working Group on ‘Communicating Environmental Science.
Prof. Pavel G. Talalay
St. Petersburg State Mining University, RussiaDirector, Polar Research Centre, Jilin University, China