The 4th Workshop of GIRAF (Geoscience InfoRmation in AFrica), held in Maputo, Mozambique, from the 6th to the 9th October, 2015, was attended by ca. 80 participants, including the IAGETH Vice-President for Africa, Prof. Lopo Vasconcelos, and two African NC-IAGETH (Prof. Gbenga Okunlola from Nigeria and Mrs. Elyvin Nkhonjera Chawinga from Malawi). Prof. Aberra Mogessie, President of the Geological Society of Africa – GSAf, with whom IAGETH has signed a MoU – was also present.
During the discussion of the Statutes of the future GIRAF as a registered association, and by proposal of Prof. Lopo Vasconcelos, it was agreed to include in the Statutes a paragraph in the Objectives’ Chapter saying: «Instil in all Members the principles of Geoethics and encourage its application in all their professional activities”. This was accepted by all participants.
Although the Statutes proposal is not yet definitive (they have to go through further discussions and revisions), we consider this a good achievement for Geoethics in Africa; and adding to that, Mozambique has adopted Geoethics in its Deontological and Ethical Code (and published a booklet with this code), that a Memorandum of Understanding was signed with GSAf, and a Letter was published on the Journal of African Earth Sciences about Geoethics in Africa.
The GIRAF entry in the world of Geoethics represents a further strengthening of this science in Africa.
IAGETH thanks Prof. Vasconcelos for his excellent initiative and great work!
Picture: Credits: Lopo Vasconcelos