The Arabian Geoscience Union (ArabGU) joins IAGETH as Partner/Related Organization. ArabGU is a nonprofit international association dealing with Earth Sciences in the Arab World. ArabGU is similar in scope to the EGU (European Geosciences Union), AGU (American Geophysical Union), JpGU (Japan Geosciences Union), and AOGS (Asia Oceania Geosciences Society). IAGETH is, from the beginning, one of the supported organizations of ArabGU. Special thanks to Prof. Zakaria Hamimi (Benha University, Egypt), President of ArabGU and IAGETH National Chapter in Egypt.
ArabGU aims to promote, disseminate and contribute to Earth Sciences as a whole, with emphasis on the Arab World, through organizing an annual international meeting bringing distinguished scientists and professionals together to discuss topics of broad interest. Among the main objectives of the ArabGU will be to establish a peer-reviewed, online journal, Arabian Geo-Frontiers (AGF), that publishes high quality original research, as well as review articles, in all topics of Earth Sciences.