folletoThe Spanish “Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Geólogos, ICOG” published yesterday, 27 March 2014, its Annual Report entitled “Memoria de Actividades 2013”.

The Annual Report includes a specific mention regarding the round table about Geoethics which was organized by IAGETH, in cooperation with the Commission on Geoethics of the ICOG, in the general framework of the IX Iberian Congress of Geochemistry.

The round table was chaired by the President of the Commission on Geoethics of the ICOG, José Luis González.

IAGETH was represented by the following members:

Jesús Martínez. Frías, President, IAGETH

José Carlos Kullberg, IAGETH VP, W Europe and IAGETH Nacional Chapter, Portugal

Alberto Riccardi, IAGETH Senior Advisory Board

José Luis González, IAGETH Senior Advisory Board

The full Annual Report can be downloaded here.


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